



在同一页面上安排多张ggplot2图片时,普通的标准R函数 par()layout已经不能使用。

目前基本的解决办法是使用名叫 ggExtra的R包,它包含以下功能:

  • grid.arrange()arrangeGrob()可以在一个页面上排列多个ggplots
  • marrangeGrob()可用于在多个页面上排列多个ggplots

但是,这些功能不会尝试对齐绘图面板; 相反,这些图只是简单地放置在网格中,因此轴不对齐。

因此我们可以使用 ggpubr包提供的 ggarrange()函数来实现多个ggplot图画的排布,并且提供统一的共同图例。


使用演示数据集 ToothGrowth 和 *mtcars*创建多个图形:

# Box plot (bp)
bxp <- ggboxplot(ToothGrowth, x = "dose", y = "len",
                 color = "dose", palette = "jco")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2

# Dot plot (dp)
dp <- ggdotplot(ToothGrowth, x = "dose", y = "len",
                 color = "dose", palette = "jco", binwidth = 1)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2

mtcars$name <- rownames(mtcars)
mtcars$cyl <- as.factor(mtcars$cyl)
head(mtcars[, c("name", "wt", "mpg", "cyl")])
##                                name   wt  mpg cyl
## Mazda RX4                 Mazda RX4 2.62 21.0   6
## Mazda RX4 Wag         Mazda RX4 Wag 2.88 21.0   6
## Datsun 710               Datsun 710 2.32 22.8   4
## Hornet 4 Drive       Hornet 4 Drive 3.21 21.4   6
## Hornet Sportabout Hornet Sportabout 3.44 18.7   8
## Valiant                     Valiant 3.46 18.1   6
# Bar plot (bp)
bp <- ggbarplot(mtcars, x = "name", y = "mpg",
          fill = "cyl",               # change fill color by cyl
          color = "white",            # Set bar border colors to white
          palette = "jco",            # jco journal color palett. see ?ggpar
          sort.val = "asc",           # Sort the value in ascending order
          sort.by.groups = TRUE,      # Sort inside each group
          x.text.angle = 90           # Rotate vertically x axis texts
bp + font("x.text", size = 8)

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# Scatter plots (sp)
sp <- ggscatter(mtcars, x = "wt", y = "mpg",
                add = "reg.line",               # Add regression line
                conf.int = TRUE,                # Add confidence interval
                color = "cyl", palette = "jco", # Color by groups "cyl"
                shape = "cyl"                   # Change point shape by groups "cyl"
  stat_cor(aes(color = cyl), label.x = 3)       # Add correlation coefficient
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'

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使用 ggpubr包的 ggarrange()进行以下操作:

ggarrange(bxp, dp, bp + rremove("x.text"), 
          labels = c("A", "B", "C"),
          ncol = 2, nrow = 2)

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ggpubr包提供了函数 annotate_figure()可以对面板中图片整体或任意图片添加一定量的注释展示效果如下图:

figure <- ggarrange(sp, bp + font("x.text", size = 10),
                    ncol = 1, nrow = 2)
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
                top = text_grob("Visualizing mpg", color = "red", face = "bold", size = 14),
                bottom = text_grob("Data source: \n mtcars data set", color = "blue",
                                   hjust = 1, x = 1, face = "italic", size = 10),
                left = text_grob("Figure arranged using ggpubr", color = "green", rot = 90),
                right = "I'm done, thanks :-)!",
                fig.lab = "Figure 1", fig.lab.face = "bold"

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最经典的例子就是在绘制生存曲线时,把risk table放在生存曲线图的下边。此时,我们需要调节表和图的大小和相对位置,使其分布更为合理

# Fit survival curves
fit <- survfit( Surv(time, status) ~ adhere, data = colon )
# Plot survival curves
ggsurv <- ggsurvplot(fit, data = colon, 
                     palette = "jco",                              # jco palette
                     pval = TRUE, pval.coord = c(500, 0.4),        # Add p-value
                     risk.table = TRUE                            # Add risk table
## Warning: Vectorized input to `element_text()` is not officially supported.
## Results may be unexpected or may change in future versions of ggplot2.
ggarrange(ggsurv$plot, ggsurv$table, heights = c(2, 0.7),
          ncol = 1, nrow = 2)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-7

此时,我们可以看出图和表并不是完全垂直对齐的,要对齐他们需要调用 align参数

ggarrange(ggsurv$plot, ggsurv$table, heights = c(2, 0.7),
          ncol = 1, nrow = 2, align = "v")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-8


使用 ggpubr

我们将使用嵌套的 ggarrange()函数来更改图的列/行跨度。


  • 散点图(sp)将位于第一行并跨越两列
  • 箱形图(bxp)和点图(dp)将首先排列,并且将在第二行中生活两列不同的列
ggarrange(sp,                                                 # First row with scatter plot
          ggarrange(bxp, dp, ncol = 2, labels = c("B", "C")), # Second row with box and dot plots
          nrow = 2, 
          labels = "A"                                        # Labels of the scatter plot
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-9

使用 cowplot

函数 ggdraw()+ draw_plot()+ draw_plot_label()的组合可用于将图形放置在特定大小的特定位置。




draw_plot(plot, x = 0, y = 0, width = 1, height = 1)

draw_plot_label() 可以向图的左上角添加绘图标签。它可以处理带有关联坐标的标签向量。

draw_plot_label(label, x = 0, y = 1, size = 16, ...)


ggdraw() +
  draw_plot(bxp, x = 0, y = .5, width = .5, height = .5) +
  draw_plot(dp, x = .5, y = .5, width = .5, height = .5) +
  draw_plot(bp, x = 0, y = 0, width = 1, height = 0.5) +
  draw_plot_label(label = c("A", "B", "C"), size = 15,
                  x = c(0, 0.5, 0), y = c(1, 1, 0.5))

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使用 gridExtra

gridExtra包的使用方法和 ggpubr包类似

## Attaching package: 'gridExtra'
## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     combine
grid.arrange(sp,                             # First row with one plot spaning over 2 columns
             arrangeGrob(bxp, dp, ncol = 2), # Second row with 2 plots in 2 different columns
             nrow = 2)
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-13

我们同样可以使用 gird.arrange()函数中的 lay_matrix参数来设置,使用方法如下:

grid.arrange(bp,                                    # bar plot spaning two columns
             bxp, sp,                               # box plot and scatter plot
             ncol = 2, nrow = 2, 
             layout_matrix = rbind(c(1,1), c(2,3)))
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-14

在上面的R代码中,layout_matrix是一个2×2矩阵(2列和2行)。 第一行全是1,这是第一幅图占的地方,横跨两列; 第二行包含分别占据一列的图2和图3

此时,如果需要对图形进行注释,ggpubr包已经不足以实现,需要我们使用 cowplot包来进行进一步的注释

需要注意的是 grid.arrange()/ arrangeGrob()输出的是一个 gtable,首先需要使用 ggpubr包中的 as_ggplot()函数将其转换为 ggplot。 接下来,就可以使用函数 draw_plot_label()对其进行注释。

# Arrange plots using arrangeGrob
# returns a gtable (gt)
gt <- arrangeGrob(bp,                               # bar plot spaning two columns
             bxp, sp,                               # box plot and scatter plot
             ncol = 2, nrow = 2, 
             layout_matrix = rbind(c(1,1), c(2,3)))
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
# Add labels to the arranged plots
p <- as_ggplot(gt) +                                # transform to a ggplot
  draw_plot_label(label = c("A", "B", "C"), size = 15,
                  x = c(0, 0, 0.5), y = c(1, 0.5, 0.5)) # Add labels

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在上面的R代码中,我们使用了 arrangeGrob()而不 是grid.arrange()。 请注意,这两个函数的主要区别在于,grid.arrange()会自动绘制排列好的图 由于我们要在绘制之前注释已排列的图,因此在这种情况下,函数 arrangeGrob()是首选。

使用 grid

通过函数 grid.layout(),可以使用 gridR包创建复杂的图像布局。 它还提供了函数 viewport()来定义布局上图像的区域或位置。 函数 print()用于将图放置在指定区域中。


  1. 创建绘图:p1,p2,p3,…
  2. 使用函数 grid.newpage()创建画板
  3. 创建画板布局2X2 - 列数= 2; 行数= 2
  4. 定义图像输出位置:画板中图像显示的区域
  5. 在画板中输出显示图片
# Move to a new page
# Create layout : nrow = 3, ncol = 2
pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(nrow = 3, ncol = 2)))
# A helper function to define a region on the layout
define_region <- function(row, col){
  viewport(layout.pos.row = row, layout.pos.col = col)
# Arrange the plots
print(sp, vp = define_region(row = 1, col = 1:2))   # Span over two columns
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
print(bxp, vp = define_region(row = 2, col = 1))
print(dp, vp = define_region(row = 2, col = 2))
print(bp + rremove("x.text"), vp = define_region(row = 3, col = 1:2))

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在我们绘制的图片当中,有的可能具有相同的图例,函数 ggarrange()可以与以下参数一起使用,使两幅图使用相同的图例

  • common.legend = TRUE:使用公共图例
  • legend:指定图例位置。 允许的值包括c(“top”,“bottom”,“left”,“right”)
ggarrange(bxp, dp, labels = c("A", "B"),
          common.legend = TRUE, legend = "bottom")

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# Scatter plot colored by groups ("Species")
sp <- ggscatter(iris, x = "Sepal.Length", y = "Sepal.Width",
                color = "Species", palette = "jco",
                size = 3, alpha = 0.6)+
# Marginal density plot of x (top panel) and y (right panel)
xplot <- ggdensity(iris, "Sepal.Length", fill = "Species",
                   palette = "jco")
yplot <- ggdensity(iris, "Sepal.Width", fill = "Species", 
                   palette = "jco")+
# Cleaning the plots
yplot <- yplot + clean_theme() 
xplot <- xplot + clean_theme()
# Arranging the plot
ggarrange(xplot, NULL, sp, yplot, 
          ncol = 2, nrow = 2,  align = "hv", 
          widths = c(2, 1), heights = c(1, 2),
          common.legend = TRUE)

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ggplot2 - Easy Way to Mix Multiple Graphs on The Same Page